#51  05.06.2012 02:00:16

ах вот она!
Откуда: Киев
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Re: I created a map

а почему на стенке "А" вверх ногами? :)

От смены ника, IP не меняется =)

Вам CS мешает встречаться с девушкой? :mad:
Тогда бросайте девушку!:yes:



#52  05.06.2012 19:19:46

Откуда: France
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Re: I created a map

(Google trad my friend :D)
I dunno, the decal turns alone >< I'll correct it.

EDIT : I cant ><
EDIT 2 : Done :o

Отредактированно NorthNikko (10.06.2012 13:10:58)

I'm Kalloway & Famas bot King.



#53  10.06.2012 13:09:55

Откуда: France
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Re: I created a map


version 4.0

Changes :

1.) Material changes

- Modified de_pyramid.wad
- Deleted overview, will be re added later

2.) Map changes
- Map fully retextured : Bombsite A & Bombsite B (previous textures dind't satisfy me), amounts of windows, etc.
- Corrected textures adjustements


I'm Kalloway & Famas bot King.



#54  13.06.2012 23:24:35

Откуда: London, United Kingdom
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Re: I created a map

So the long awaited review is finally here, and I think I have a lot of suggestions for you to improve your map.

First of all, I really loved the textures and the fact that the map is different - very attractive little map that I would enjoy play at a server. However, there are a ton of things you need to improve:

1. SIZE, and I cannot stress this enough if I tried - let me try to explain. The bombsites, the re-spawns and overall connective area (no idea of MID/CENTER in the map) are too small. To put this in perspective, I cannot:

a) Throw a he grenade without damaging an ally in either of the bombsites, or I have to be pro
b) Distance of fire is limited to short and medium - absolutely no long distance skill involved. Not saying that every map should accommodate AWP, but this map certainly is limited to quick reaction and mass kills on key places of the map
c) Take a look at well-known maps and see what makes them so playable even at competitive level. Keep in mind the area of movement and the amount of places to hide/use as cover and various entrances and exits to and from bombsites:

i) De_Dust2: Large MID area, different towering opportunities, large re-spawn locations that CONNECT to the map itself - in your map, as soon as you leave them, they are not in use, and even if they were, they are just plain field in shooting perspective. Large A and B bomb sites, making sure AWP can be deployed, and there is enough room for many teammates to position themselves. I played your map 6v6 with bots and man, it was a bloodbath - nowhere to go.
ii) De_Aztec: Plenty of space in water, huge re-spawns and bombsites that fit the server, where we usually have 8v8 or 9v9 matches going on. Everyone's location is not revealed instantly - lot of skill is involved in listening and trying to identify locations.
iii) De_Nuke: Massive shootout arena in so-called YARD/outside of A bomb site. AWP/FB's/HE's/SMOKE are accommodated perfectly.

Try to take those elements from the other maps and incorporate in yours. If there was one thing to change and I had to just say in one sentence, I would say, if there is a command Stretch/Re-size, just do 150% on your map and it should be fine :D

Since you are quite detailed as per your map, I am sure you will focus on what can be improved area by area, so besides making larger blocks for your bombsites etc., my second point follows:

2. At B bombsite, the camping area is too simplistic: it will be wall banged so badly that no one will have any possibility to camp there - instead of that, you can just expand your bombsite and make some sort of a little sphynx base on the right side of CT's entrance to B site. In addition, think of what else would be appropriate: since this is a pyramid, tunnels are plenty, so install some 'ventilation' tubes throughout that would connect bombsites, try to implement cs_assault example. In addition to camping area, just make the site bigger, trust me, it is a wreck (BUT I LOVE YOUR IDEA, don't get me wrong)

3. At A bombsite, there is nowhere to hide: put MASSIVE boxes in the middle of that area, make A (or B) bombsite as a hidden treasure hideout, therefore put massive piles of boxes all over the place, make holes in the walls, ventilation tubes that lead to the bombsite (as per de_nuke at b bombsite)

4. Try to think of a MID area in the map, some place that bombsite could connect better as opposed to just running around the whole map. I am always for second level in the map - something like was done in this map MOTOZAVOD in area A.

But the whole thing comes down to - SIZE/AREA/CONNECTIVE AREAS/EXIT-ENTRANCE/AWP-HE-FLASH-ability

I really like the style, textures, and the concept and idea of the map so you can make it a great one to play. In fact, it is already better than trash metal in my opinion, but if you just improve it a lot from this point, I am sure Px will use it in IPT Low+High.

One quick notice on textures: behind the glass at A bombsite, the hieroglyphic textures are stretched, sort them out :)

Hope this helps,


My favorite thing in Counter-Strike is not necessarily a tactiful victory through teamwork, but being the last man standing against 5+, doing the Shift Walk and slaying the enemy team.



#55  14.06.2012 10:59:31

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
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Re: I created a map

EarL написал:


is map-fail, where T have no chances, not a good idea to cite it as example ;)
All other, except of HE part (too easy to blow teammate, but this need's to be checked, because it depends on wall material), is the question of taste and not suitable for small map

Пых безусловно во всем прав. Почему, спросите Вы? Да просто потому, что Пых ВСЕГДА и БЕЗУСЛОВНО во всем прав© Pepper :D
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#56  14.06.2012 18:49:03

Откуда: London, United Kingdom
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Re: I created a map

Fair point about de_aztec (but could have used many other maps to support my views, though), but in general don't you think, actually playing with bots or players, the area in each bombsite is a bit squeezed? Feels like in B site what would happen is either a bloodbath and a quick win for either of the teams, or bomb-plant and T camping behind that one wall and doors, where HE would fly all over the place and terrorists would simply be wall-killed. In my opinion there definitely needs to be some exit to the site that could connect, through ventilations or otherwise, to A bombsite or a possible Middle area.

I really do like the map in general as it is different and original. How it would play in server is really a matter of testing. Try adding bots and observing their play/participate to see if you want to change dimensions yourself :)

My favorite thing in Counter-Strike is not necessarily a tactiful victory through teamwork, but being the last man standing against 5+, doing the Shift Walk and slaying the enemy team.



#57  14.06.2012 19:58:01

Откуда: ok
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Re: I created a map

EarL написал:

So the long awaited review is finally here, and I think I have a lot of suggestions for you to improve your map.

/****** cut ******/

Hope this helps,





#58  14.06.2012 22:36:32

Откуда: France
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Re: I created a map

Actually I tested the map 10vs10 bots and that is true that the map is a little smaller. I will try to answer all points you suggested :
- the respawns will not change. In my mind, all the fights must be inside the pyramid and not outside. The only way I cand change respawns is to connect them each other, which would be a "bloodbath" as you say. I can probably add some connection to th pyramid wich permit the CTs/Ts to access A bombsite by the outside (for example with stairs or an inclinated plane) but I really think it's a bad Idea.
- (I found another hieroglyph picture that would maybe make a good texture, if I can convert it to viable Wally texture I'll add it)
- I'm thinking about adding a mid-way for long time. I approximatly know where I must place it but not the elements that will take place in. However if you have got any idea, just tell it.
- I can add a second Ts to B way, that's not a prob and I already started to do that some days ago but I finally removed it because of a bsp bug - finally it was a texture but I don't have got the previous version. If I add a third way to B, I will make the site bigger, and maybe with more stuff in - I found a nice anubis model on the internet, it will be a good add if my comp wants to display it.
- about distance of shooting, I see that there is a problem (only two long distance views : from the box at the left of CTtoAstairs to the window at the right of TS stairs and from the top of the TstoA way to the down and opposite). If I make a mid way Ill make it long to allow awps.
- Concerning HEs I agree too, but actually I dunno how to change the HEs spots.
- Concerning flashbangs too.
- I just cant physically make A bigger (its sided from all the sides by ways). I disagree your mind that you cant hide, there are many places : between boxes, at the bottom of Ts entrance window you can hide near the box, at the box near CT toA stairs, behind the wall that sides at the right ct stairs, ...
- There is not resize command but actually I can group all blocks and make it bigger, but its not the solution because guys will look too small vs the walls and bugs will maybe occur.
- Connecting A 1 B? I will think about.

Really big thanks to you to take the time to test the map and to comment it.

I'm Kalloway & Famas bot King.



#59  14.06.2012 22:49:59

Откуда: France
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Re: I created a map

One quick notice on textures: behind the glass at A bombsite, the hieroglyphic textures are stretched, sort them out

Done, I had clipped the block so the texture was stretched and I couldnt make it easy normal so I just create a new block, which will transmit light better by the way :)

I'm Kalloway & Famas bot King.



#60  15.06.2012 18:00:51

Откуда: France
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Re: I created a map


version 5.0

Changes :

1.) Material changes

- Modified de_pyramid.wad
- Modified de_pyramid.spawns.cfg
- Deleted overview, will NOT be re added later (not used in IPT High, very hard to make a useful one (two levels)

2.) Map changes

a) A site

- re organized box on the left of the CT stairs
- moved boxes in the corridor, awp now available
- added a way at the right which allows ct to spam Ts entrance with awp, i let you see what I mean
- added a ladder in Ts way which allow Ts to climb up at a second level in A site that I added.

b) B site

- Added a second Ts to B way that divide itself in 3 ways with breakable walls. Awp can be used here. CT can access this way from the site. After some tests it appears that planting on B is now very tactical.
- Added a BtoA tube with a ladder inside.
- Modified some textures.
- Corrected visual artifact bug.

I'm Kalloway & Famas bot King.



#61  16.06.2012 13:09:35

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
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Re: I created a map

You too engaged with additions on A site and make it overcomplicated, too much breakable doors and windows. Second problem is timing, while B site is accessible by both CT and T in near same time and with more than one way, on A site CT have advantage in both timing and position. T have only one "fast" entrance, and in time when they only reach last inclined plane, CT are already at plant point and have easy game "throw HE just straight forward and blow all running T", and with just one flash throwed in same direction they stop T rush and have another easy game "shoot blind T one by one".

Пых безусловно во всем прав. Почему, спросите Вы? Да просто потому, что Пых ВСЕГДА и БЕЗУСЛОВНО во всем прав© Pepper :D
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#62  16.06.2012 13:39:25

Откуда: France
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Re: I created a map

I will first close the glass window that is on the right on the picture : first I added it in order to add some light in the corridor but I got the idea to open an aeration tube to the outside after and I forgot to remove the window.
Concerning timing after 2 hours of test I think you are right then I will make the CTtoA way a little longer. Or maybe I will add a second Ts to A way and a second CT to A way.

Is B a good plant now?

I'm Kalloway & Famas bot King.



#63  16.06.2012 13:57:08

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
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Re: I created a map

NorthNikko написал:

Concerning timing after 2 hours of test I think you are right then I will make the CTtoA way a little longer. Or maybe I will add a second Ts to A way and a second CT to A way.

Second way is preferable

NorthNikko написал:

Is B a good plant now?

At first glance I don't see any major faults, need realgame testing

Пых безусловно во всем прав. Почему, спросите Вы? Да просто потому, что Пых ВСЕГДА и БЕЗУСЛОВНО во всем прав© Pepper :D
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#64  16.06.2012 14:20:47

Откуда: Mars
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Re: I created a map

perhaps you could implant it to High and low for testing?

Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor. Sholom Aleichem



#65  16.06.2012 15:53:47

Откуда: France
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Re: I created a map

I'm Kalloway & Famas bot King.



#66  16.06.2012 16:06:55

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
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Re: I created a map

Harmony написал:

perhaps you could implant it to High and low for testing?

That's would be possible only when map reach it's "final" state, in other case after each change we must change also it's name...

Пых безусловно во всем прав. Почему, спросите Вы? Да просто потому, что Пых ВСЕГДА и БЕЗУСЛОВНО во всем прав© Pepper :D
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#67  16.06.2012 16:19:21

Откуда: France
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Re: I created a map

You can put it on the server with name de_pyramid_test

I'm Kalloway & Famas bot King.



#68  16.06.2012 16:36:03

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
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Re: I created a map

And after first test as de_pyramid_test2, and after third... :D
There are more effective ways to pollute users maps folder :rolleyes:

Пых безусловно во всем прав. Почему, спросите Вы? Да просто потому, что Пых ВСЕГДА и БЕЗУСЛОВНО во всем прав© Pepper :D
Не комментирую, умные не нуждаются, тупые не поймут©



#69  16.06.2012 16:54:51

Откуда: France
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Re: I created a map

Okay. Test the map and if you dont have anything to say call it de_pyramid. If it needs changes I'll found another name.

I'm Kalloway & Famas bot King.



#70  17.06.2012 13:46:42

Откуда: France
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Re: I created a map

I'm Kalloway & Famas bot King.



#71  21.06.2012 23:29:39

Откуда: London, United Kingdom
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Re: I created a map

Px, aren't CT meant to arrive to the bombsite first? That is, any map I think of (INFERNO, D2, NUKE, etc.) CT get to take their defending positions first.

Kallo, surely you know what 'FU' stands for :D Anyway, trying your latest 5.1 version ! Will let you know how it is now!

My favorite thing in Counter-Strike is not necessarily a tactiful victory through teamwork, but being the last man standing against 5+, doing the Shift Walk and slaying the enemy team.



#72  22.06.2012 00:27:49

Откуда: London, United Kingdom
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Re: I created a map

Now that is one fun map - I really like the way you have expanded it, I think it is wonderful. I love the B area, the hallway that opens up to TS side, expanded everything, installed a connection, even A site is much more spacious now. I don't even know what much to suggest, use your own imagination on what you can polish up, but this, in my opinion, is a very playable map.

Hopefully once you've followed Px suggestions and made sure everything runs clean, we can try it out on the server. It pretty much looks server-ready to me. Breakable walls tend to be a tiny bit too much, so if you removed just a couple of them, at B site unlocking that long tunnel towards TS side, that's about all from me :)

You should do more maps, in such a short period you've managed to make this? Nice ;)

My favorite thing in Counter-Strike is not necessarily a tactiful victory through teamwork, but being the last man standing against 5+, doing the Shift Walk and slaying the enemy team.



#73  22.06.2012 12:50:26

Откуда: France
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Re: I created a map

Thanks for that review.

In my opinion B is more rushable if the wall is breakable; if i remove it, CT + awp = stop rush. Here Ts can hear that CTs are trying to break the wall and can prepare themselves to fight. Notice that the breakable wall in the sided corridor has got only 70 hp then its easy to rush by this way cause two ak bullets allow destruction.

I'll wait for Px suggestions before saying the map is finished.

During hollidays -from July, 2nd to September, 2nd) i will have something like 5 or 6 empty weeks, be sure I'll create a new map if this one is ok ;)

Don't ban me for swear btw :(

I'm Kalloway & Famas bot King.



#74  22.06.2012 15:55:29

Откуда: London, United Kingdom
Зарегистрирован: 02.04.2012
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Re: I created a map


I've got an idea - obviously that wall won't prevent any awp from taking you out - it's just a long corridor. Why don't you do something that is done in de_rage, where the corridor is split into two hallways with some obstacles? That way you have a chance to come closer to the awp.


My favorite thing in Counter-Strike is not necessarily a tactiful victory through teamwork, but being the last man standing against 5+, doing the Shift Walk and slaying the enemy team.



#75  22.06.2012 16:23:33

Откуда: France
Зарегистрирован: 23.10.2011
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Re: I created a map

Hm, I want it to be awp usable.

I'm Kalloway & Famas bot King.



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