(pls translate)
Sorry, I didnt have time to correct map... Ill correct this week
Skunk написал:
А почему она не стоит на сервере?
Потому что в ней другие проблемы нашлись, человеку захотелось плант Б доработать, вышел ужас, я там выше отписал ему, что надо откатить назад, и будет финальная версия, которую поставим вместо той, что сейчас
Та и респы нужно подогнать. Ибо сегодня удалось на ней поиграть за СТ. Не верхний респ просто не успевали вовремя прибежать... А если еще и в конце стоять, то и подавно. На нижний еще с горем пополам можно с флешами и дымом зайти.
Вам CS мешает встречаться с девушкой?
Тогда бросайте девушку!
Google trad is so bad to translate russian to french...
NorthNikko написал:
Google trad is so bad to translate russian to french...
That's because translation going through English
There are nothing new said there...
Yes and I think that russian expressions are different that french ones so the word to word translation doesnt make sense...
Px написал:
No, there are no problem there, just do two things:
1) Kill all T
2) Defuse the bomb
all is simple!
Post a vote here about the map and you will see the results man..
Nobody likes the map,not a single player...Just sayin'
Px написал:
All of the regular players think it sucks.. But no matter,thx for at least bringing DE Priest back
Px написал:
A couple of players popped up an idea to ban Kalloway until he make full release
I think you should withdraw this map, when it get to this map, people started to vote the map at their preference.
svitl0 написал:
fine and more or less balanced now.
its not balanced at all
Ts have advantage in bombsite A and sometimes CTs cant stop them even when they camp in good positions
:.:War Lords:.: | GhOst написал:
Ts have advantage in bombsite A and sometimes CTs cant stop them even when they camp in good positions
T advantage is not really big on plant a. and CTs have even better spots to hide on b. i like the map and all those hanging things you can destroy some ethnic music at start would bring even more charm to the map!
Px написал:
A couple of players popped up an idea to ban Kalloway until he make full release
i vote for!
svitl0 написал:
im not saying the map is not good but im saying it needs an adjustment
svitl0 написал:
some ethnic music at start would bring even more charm to the map!
That's a good idea
Guys you know I have got a life? Some friends love etc; I am NOT 24/24 CS playing (... see stats ) I will leave from tomorrow to 16th and then I'll modify pyramid.
>< i corrected da map, publish it in few minuts
NorthNikko написал:
Here it is
nothing has been changed
Buy glasses
NorthNikko написал:
>< i corrected da map, publish it in few minuts
Checked, two remaining issues:
1) Still different from beta wad file, I asked to make it same
2) Added space at A-B ladder is not enough, the idea is to make possible to jump to that space from ladder being not seen from plant space, make it something like 2.5x higher. Also, swapped writing there is intended or bug (see screenshot)?